Business Development Advisers Ltd.

Quality Delivery by Recognised Experts

A photo of few of BDA's specialist advisers. A few of BDA's specialist advisers.

Business Development Advisers, BDA, is a private Scottish management consultancy firm.

We provide specialist support aimed at helping businesses in Scotland in a variety of areas, from strategic concerns to everyday issues. 

BDA has been involved in business development for both the public and private sectors, gaining a huge amount of experience in the process.

The team has considerable experience of managing and growing businesses and have provided assistance for a wide range of businesses.

A typical image of a Business Gateway training session delivered by BDA. Business Gateway training.

Our team of business advisers is employed for their skills and experience aimed at providing relevant and practical support to BDA clients, in particular small- to medium-sized businesses in start-up or development phase. Advisers are recruited on the basis that they are currently running their own successful business and that they have personal experience of starting one or more businesses.  This ensures that the advisers can empathise with clients’ situations and provide relevant, detailed advice based on their own experiences.

Our private sector work covers a wide range of industries and business areas. Take a look at our Commercial Services page for information.

As well as private sector work, we are actively involved in the delivery of a range of public sector contracts.  See our Enterprise Services page for details.

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Business Development Advisers Limited
Registered Address: 15-17 Nasmyth Road, Glasgow, G52 4RE, UK
Scottish Company Number: SC173394

© 2025 Business Development Advisers Limited